Winter Talks
TALKS 2024/2025
Our new talks season 24/25 began October 2024.
Most talks will all be held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
The January talk will be an online talk. For the online link click
For in person talks:
LOCATION: The talk will be at St. Margaret’s Parish Church Hall in Raploch on Tuesday 1st of October, starting 7:30pm (19:30). Map can be found here -
Map of St. Margaret’s Parish Church Hall
No need to register in advance for the in person talks. We will take small donations at the door to support the local SWT. Tea and coffee after. All more than welcome.
Any questions contact Stuart Bence -
TALKS 2024/2025
Tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria)
Coyright Stuart Bence
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 07 January 2025
The lichens of Scotland's rainforests
Dr Oliver Moore (Plantlife)
This online talk will explore the world of lichens within Scotland's temperate rainforests. Come along to hear about the amazing range of species that can be found, learn about their life histories, their importance in the natural world, the threats they face, and what's being done to conserve them.
Dr Oliver Moore of Plantlife is an expert on lichens and mosses, especially in Scotland. All are welcome and there will be a Q&A session at the end.
This is an online talk, so booking is essential.
Join with the following zoom link
Red Kite (Milvus milvus)
Coyright Donald Sutherland
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 04 Febuary 2025
Conserving our raptors
Duncan Orr-Ewing (Scottish Raptor Study Group)
The latest in the Trust's series of National Webinars, hosted by the Stirling and Clackmannanshire Group.
We will take a look at the work of the Scottish Raptor Study Group in this talk by Duncan Orr-Ewing, with particular focus on the Central Scotland area. Join us to find out more about the huge range of birds of prey we have in Scotland and the Central Belt, including ravens! Duncan will give an insight into the important work the raptor study group carry out, along with updates on recent findings.
Booking essential. This family friendly event will be conducted via a Zoom video link and joining details will be sent upon booking. Please note that this webinar may be recorded for public viewing later.
Book through the SWT HQ website at
Please note that most on-line past talks can be viewed by going to:
Social wall | Scottish Wildlife Trust (Click on YOUTUBE)
Coyright Forth Rivers Trust
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 01 October 2024
The work of the Forth Rivers Trust
Grace Wilding (Forth Rivers Trust)
The Forth Rivers Trust have a lot of exciting projects in the Forth area with many more coming soon.
Grace will talk about the Trusts projects to date, those upcoming and their aspirations for the future. Plus lots of exciting opportunities to get involved.
The talk will include the Trusts renewed push to get a catchment wide approach to invasive plant control on the Forth, projects to remove fish barriers on the Forth and tributaries, restoration of riparian corridors and a look at large scale projects for biodiversity like the river Devon restoration project.
Coyright Danny Green /2020VISION
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 05 November 2024
Coastal realignment and salt marsh creation in the Forth and the formation of the Black Devon wetlands
Toby Wilson (RSPB)
In this online talk, Toby Wilson will discuss the benefits of coastal realignment to both wildlife and people.
Join us in November to find out more about the creation of RSPB Skinflats, as well as other ground breaking projects helping to restore the coastal and wetland habitats of the Forth - including the Black Devon wetlands.
Our speaker for the event, Toby Wilson, is a Senior Conservation Officer at RSPB and has an overview of the RSPB reserves in the Forth area as well as other RSPB projects. Toby also works to support partners and the community to enhance and protect biodiversity.
This is an online talk, so booking is essential.
Coyright Tom Hibbert
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 03 December 2024
The world of Scottish beetles
Ashleigh Whiffin (National Museum of Scotland)
This evening's speaker Ashleigh Whiffin is curator of Entomology and Invertebrate Biology. She is a leading expert in the beetles of Scotland with a particular love of the carrion beetles. Ashleigh is extremely passionate about her subject and more so in sharing it and bringing it to the wider public.
This is an online talk, so booking is essential.
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 3 October 2023
Wildlife of the Head of Loch Tay and the Tay Marshes SSSI
John Holland (Upland Ecologist SRUC Tyndrum)
Copyright Ben Andrews from RSPB-Images
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 7 November 2023
The Lives of Cuckoos
James Silvey (RSPB)
Copyright Michael Christie
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 5 December 2023
Seabirds of Scotland
Ally Lemon (NatureScot)
Coyright Daniele Muir
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 9 January 2024
Local Dragonflies and Damselflies
Daniele Muir (British Dragonfly Society)
Copyright Alistair Whyte
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 6 February 2024
Scotland's Important Plant Areas - Restoring Wild Plant Diversity - Current Progress
Alistair Whyte (Plantlife)
Alistair is Head of Plantlife Scotland, responsible for managing Plantlife's projects, advisory work, nature reserve work and advocacy in Scotland. He is a keen naturalist with a particular interest in mountain plants and birds, and is also a member of Scottish Wildlife Trust's Conservation Committee.
Coyright Iain Leach
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 5 March 2024
A Scotland wide SWT webinar:
Butterflies and moths of Scotland that most need our help
Anthony McCluskey (Butterfly Conservation)
An overview of Scotland's most threatened butterflies and moths, their status and what Butterfly Conservation is doing to help and how people can help them do this. With a particular focus on species within Stirling and Clacks, though many of these are covered by Scotland wide projects. Species covered will be Northern Brown Argus, Large Heath and Pearl Bordered Fritillary.
Coyright Sally Morris
8 p.m. Tuesday 16 April 2024
Short AGM held on Zoom
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 7 March 2023
John Haddow
John has worked with bats and their conservation for over 40 years. Currently chair of Central Scotland Bat Group, which was formed by him and others in 1984. He has been a batworker with NatureScot (formerly SNH) doing casework since the 1980s. After leaving schoolteaching in 2005 he started his consultancy company specialising in bats - Auritus Wildlife Consultancy. Since 2010 has spent some time most summers investigating Leisler’s bat in the west and south of Scotland through radio-tracking.
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 7 February 2023
Philip Munro, Community Outreach Officer
The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project aims to reinforce the small, isolated and vulnerable population of Golden Eagles in the Scottish Borders and Dumfries & Galloway. Through a series of translocations over a period of 5 years, the project will look to increase numbers and prevent the loss of this majestic bird from southern skies. This talk will provide a brief introduction to the iconic golden eagle whilst exploring the background to the project and an update on our progress.
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 6 December 2022
Dr David Trudgill
David and his wife live at Newmill, just outside Blairgowrie where, since David’s retirement in 2002 from agricultural research, they have created a meadow which contains 14 species of orchids, all of which have been grown from seed scattered on the breeze. Their growing interest in orchids has led to them taking a wider interest in the changing fortunes of British orchids in a changing climate and what might be done to stem their decline.
You can view a 3min video of the orchids in the meadow that was made for a Hardy Orchid Soc. competition. Visit
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 1 November 2022
Keith Broomfield
Keith Broomfield is a well-known Scottish nature writer who has had a passion for wildlife since childhood. A graduate in zoology from the University of Aberdeen, Keith’s writing covers virtually every element of the natural world from flora and fungi, to invertebrates, mammals, birds and marine life.
7.30 p.m. Tuesday 4 October 2022
David Mardon
David had a keen interest in our natural environment from a very early age and went on to complete degrees in Zoology at Aberdeen University. Amongst other things, David has worked for the National Trust for Scorland leading conservation work on Ben Lawers NNR.
Tuesday 5 October 2021
Neil Kitching
Neil is Energy and Water Specialist at Scottish Enterprise and will be speaking in a personal capacity.
He is a geographer, author and energy specialist and will present on the links between climate change and nature. In his book, Carbon Choices, he identifies the 10 building blocks that society needs to adopt to tackle the climate crises - such as sensible economics, taking a long term approach, innovation, education and the role of community. But most of these also apply to our nature and biodiversity crises. Neil will explore the links between carbon and nature and question our love affair with the typical highland scenery. Is rewilding the answer? Neil's talk will be illustrated with his photographs from Scotland and overseas.
Tuesday 2 November 2021 at 7.30 p.m.
Jack Wooton, Freshwater Ecologist and Eel Specialist, Forth Rivers Trust
Jack has worked in Freshwater Conservation for a number of years now with a particular focus on rare and unloved species. He founded the Forgotten Fish Project which is part of the Forth Rivers Trust that highlights the species which get little attention and even less conservation focus. As well as freshwater, Jack has worked with orangutan and other primates, but is always drawn back to water!
Tuesday 7 December 2021 at 7.30 p.m.
Chris Cathrine, Director of Caledonian Conservation Ltd and Vice Chair of SWT Stirling & Clacks
Chris has gained considerable experience of ecology and where it fits into legislation, policy, and planning, gained during 14 years as an ecological consultant, and four years working for NGOs and local authority. He has also authored three papers on devolved environmental legislation, written guidance, informed policy, and worked on all stages of developments. With this background he has engaged with planning from a range of angles, which has given him a broader understanding of the systems in Scotland, and how best to engage with them to benefit biodiversity.
Tuesday 1 February 2022 at 7.30 p.m
Stuart Bence
Stuart is a young natural historian whose enthusiasm for the natural world is infectious. He is currently in the final stage of his PhD from the Scottish School of Forestry at the University of the Highlands and Islands, having previously gained a BSc (Hons) in Conservation Biology and Management at Stirling and an MSc in Ecology from Aberdeen. Since 2020 Stuart has been on a Placement with NatureScot. He is one of the keenest young naturalists you will come across and his talk will show you how he successfully created a garden for wildlife. As an undergraduate he played a leading role in Stirling University’s Nature Society; he is one of our committee members and co-chair of Butterfly Conservation (Glasgow & Southwest Branch). He has created a garden designed to attract wildlife and hopes to encourage you to follow in his footsteps.
Tuesday 1 March 2022 at 7.30 p.m.
HIBERNATING HERALDS: Underground adventure in search of Moths.
Dr Katty Baird
Katty is a volunteer for East Scotland Branch of Butterfly Conservation. She has been recording moths for about ten years, and gets most enjoyment from trying to get to know the ecology and behaviour of individual species in more detail. Recent subjects have included Old Lady, Mallow and Pimpinel Pug. The Hibernating Herald project was started at the end of 2016 in an effort to find out more about the distribution of Herald and Tissue moths in Scotland and is a citizen science project offering a fun diversion for moth recorders during the traditionally quieter winter months.
Tuesday 6 October 2020
Amphibians and Reptiles in Scotland
Chris Cathrine, Caledonian Conservation Ltd
Tuesday 3 November 2020
East Coast Sea Eagle Reintroduction
Owen Selly, RSPB's Conservation Officer - Loch Lomond, The Trossachs and Tayside
Tuesday 1 December 2020
Nature Friendly Farming at Argaty Red Kites
Tom Bowser, Head Ranger at Argaty Red Kites
Tuesday 5 January 2021
From Magic to Medicine: Scottish Vernacular Plant Medicine
Gregory Kenicer, Botanist at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Tuesday 2 February 2021
The Impact of Gardening on Wild Plant Populations
Roy Sexton, Past Chair, SWT Stirling and Clacks
7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 2 March 2021
Bogs for Bugs -
An introduction to bogs and the specialist invertebrates you find on them together with the conservation and restoration of peatlands around Falkirk.
Melissa Shaw, a member of our Committee and the Peatland Conservation Officer at Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust
Tuesday 5 November 2019
Golf Course Ecology (a brief look at environmental management)
James Hutchinson, BIGGA (The Greenkeepers' Association)
followed by:
Sustainability in Golf (Our changing climate, resource efficiency and community engagement)
Carolyn Hedley, Scottish Golf
Tuesday 3 December 2019
Ancient Woodlands
Richard Thompson, Forestry and Land Scotland
NB: Questions, submitted in advance via our Contact Us page, would be welcome.
Tuesday 7 January 2020
The Work of the Scottish Raptor Group
Duncan Orr-Ewing, Head of Species and Land Management, RSPB, Scotland
Tuesday 4th February 2020
Our Catchment-wide Work on the Allan Water
Sandra Stewart, Project Officer for The Forth Rivers Trust Catchment-wide Work on the Allan Water
Tuesday 3 March 2020
The Secret Lives of Bats
Liz Ferrell, Scottish Officer, Bat Conservation Trust
Photograph: (C) Daniel Hargreaves/