Who we are
Plean Country Park - Orchid Count 2014
Our Local Group
The Stirling and Clackmannanshire Group of the SWT has responsibility for some of the most varied and attractive countryside in Central Scotland, from Loch Lomondside in the west to Glen Devon in the East.
Important wildlife areas include the Forth and Devon Valleys, the Ochil Hills and the Campsie Fells as well as Flanders Moss National Nature reserve.
There are around 1300 SWT members in this area. Our aim is to conserve the diversity of wildlife in all its forms in the Stirling and Clackmannanshire area.
The activities of this volunteer community (together with the assistance of many non-members) are organised by a committee of 12.
SWT Stirling & Clackmannanshire Local Group
Chairman: Chris Cathrine
Secretary: Vacant
The Scottish Wildlife Trust
2014 was the 50th anniversary of the Scottish Wildlife Trust.
Initially the SWT was set up to protect the rapidly declining wildlife of Scotland and was run by an unpaid band of enthusiastic volunteers.
Over the years the Trust has expanded until today it has over 40,000 members and nearly 100 professional staff, all organised from its headquarters in Leith.
During this time the Trust has built up a network of 120 nature reserves and three visitor centres. It has led a number of wildlife conservation campaigns including the reintroduction of beavers, the protection of red squirrels, the designation of marine conservation areas and the banning of peat extraction.
Over 1000 unpaid volunteers assist with a broad range of SWT activities. They help manage the nature reserves, monitor wildlife populations, organise programmes of talks and walks, run children’s Watch Groups, fund raise, and monitor local planning applications.
These volunteering efforts are organised by the committees of Local Groups. In Mid-Central Scotland there are three Groups:
Stirling and Clackmannanshire
Further details can be found on the SWT’s main web site http://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/
Or by contacting:
SWT Head Office
Harbourside House,
110 Commercial St,
0131 3127765
Round-leaved sundew
Links to other groups or organisations concerned with wildlife and the natural world.
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